The event was organised by a talented young lady Tundun Adeyemo, a consistent blogger ( you can check out her usually interesting 5 Minutes Blog.
There were quite a few people there that I found very interesting and I have decided my blogging has got to be more consistently as well as making sure its now targetted at achieving a specific change rather than just expressing opinion. I have always believe in being a change agent in my professional life, but like a fairly large number of people who blog, we take blogging as something to use as platform to voice thoughts, opinion and so on, not necessarily with a view to change anything.
I spoke at the event and I was inspired to say exactly what I have just mentioned above, I ensured bloggers take cognizance of this. In doing so, I had a sizable number of bloggers in attendance to commit to blogging with a view to change things.
Here are my steps to making the change happen:
- identifying what needs to change and why
- identifying your own solution that could bring change, even if your solution may turn out not being the best
- believing you can influence or create change or even impact/inspire people that can create change to act on your words
- get BLOGGING to enable the words out - even the bible said God created the earth by the Word
- finally do all in your power to share the word, find every possibility to enable visibility, send it out via email, send links to your blog to friends, share on facebook, bebo, twitter, myspace and very social networking site you use.
This is what I have also committed to at the event and I will say "So Help Me God... "
More to come in a bit... :-)
Ike ANYA blogs at